
Welcome to the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation

Founded in 2008, the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation is a largely volunteer-run registered charity, dedicated to raising awareness and understanding about mesothelioma in Canada. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is almost exclusively linked to asbestos exposure. The CMF supports mesothelioma patients and their families, as well as the development of a network of expertise in mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment and care across Canada. Learn more about us here.

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Bienvenue à la Fondation Canadienne du Mésothéliome

Fondée en 2008, La Fondation Canadienne du Mesotheliome est un organisme de bien faisance enregistré en grande partie géré par des bénévoles, dédié à la sensibilisaton et la comprehension sur le mésothéliome au Canada. Le mésothéliome est un cancer rare qui est presque exclusivement liée à l’exposition à l’amiante. La FCM soutient les patients de mésothéliome et leurs familles, ainsi que le développement d’un réseau d’expertise dans le diagnostique, les traitements, et les soins de mésothéliome à travers le Canada. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici



Wonderful success!

over $100,000 raised

Mission for Meso Fundraising Gala, September 26, 2024

Jackman Lounge, Four Seasons  Centre for Performing Arts

University & Queen, Toronto

Entertainment, catering by celebrity chef Mark McEwan and exciting auction items including everything from golf packages, personal tour of the UN and lunch with Canada's UN ambassador, Bob Rae, opera package including opera tickets and a stay at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto and much more. The evening's festivities were emceed by TV personality Nicole Servinis. All funds raised support those affected by mesothelioma.

Thank you to our gala sponsors: International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Atherton Law Firm, Miskin Law, BC Insulators Local 118, Ontario Insulators Local 95, LIUNA, Motley Rice, Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario, and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793.

List of sponsors for 2024 Mission for Meso Gala


CMF Mesothelioma Live Support Groups

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Photograph of CMF team member Robin Forbes

The CMF has a new service for our support groups, where members join a Zoom call and directly connect with the CMF and others affected by mesothelioma. These sessions are moderated by the newest member of our team, Robin Forbes, a social worker with the Mesothelioma program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. She knows about mesothelioma compensation options and the need for emotional and practical support for people diagnosed with mesothelioma and their family members.

Our June CMF Mesothelioma Discussion group was on pain management with Dr. Camille Munro, a pain management specialist and a member of the CMF Scientific Advisory Committee and Assistant Professor and Clinician-Teacher with the Division of Palliative Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Munro's presentation to the live support group on palliative care and pain management has now been uploaded to the CMF website. To view: Palliative Care and Pain Management

Are you a patient or a caregiver of a patient with mesothelioma? If yes, please watch for news to join us for upcoming sessions.  For confidentiality and privacy, Zoom invitations for discussion groups will only be sent to registrants for each session - register for the Fall session by emailing and include your connection to the disease.


3rd Annual Scotty's Legacy Charity Golf Tournament

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Brent, Bill, Jordan & Terry golf pic

Louie Palu Photo Exhibition and ScotiaBank Contact Photo Festival: Sunday, April 30, 3:30 pm

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Louis Palu headshotLPphot0The Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation held a fundraising and awareness raising event with award-winning photographer and filmmaker, Louie Palu, at the Stephen Bulger Gallery, 1356 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario M6J 1Y2. 

Louie provided a guided tour of his photos documenting the harm of exposure to asbestos.  His beliefs have been shaped growing up as the son of an immigrant construction labourer in Toronto's Italian community.  

Palu's work has been published worldwide, including in The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Geographic and the Globe and Mail.  His work is in the collections in museums such as the National Gallery of Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Houston and Smithsonian.  The exhibition was followed by a ScotiaBank Contact Photo Festival Special Event with Rebecca Senf, Curator Center for Creative Photography Arizona discussing Louie's work. 

Although asbestos is now banned in Canada, people continue to be exposed to asbestos because of its prevalence in our built environment.  Asbestos-related diseases continue to be the number one cause of workplace deaths.  

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Funds raised go to support Meso patients and their families in many ways including support groups, information on diagnosis and treatments, advocacy to prevent further exposures, and we provide funds for research to improve diagnosis, treatments and help find a cure.  But most of all we provide hope to those who receive this devastating diagnosis.

Many thanks to our sponsors:

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CMF support groups for patients & caregivers

An important objective of our organisation is to support the emotional health of patients living with mesothelioma, as well as the people who care for them.  

Currently, we offer a number of private, invite-only Facebook groups for mesothelioma patients, loved ones and bereaved to connect with one another, share experiences and seek support from others in similar situations.  

To join one of our online groups, please follow these steps: